Saturday, March 31, 2012

just happy.

What an amazing shoot! I was invited into the Capital in Albany to capture some belly shots and has a blast! I told Ari & Mark that I got way more out of the shoot than they will. I felt like a kid getting a private tour of Albany's capital, and was in awe of the beauty of the building, and the history made there! Here's a sample of the great time I had!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The J Family, what a beautiful family! =]

Once again I was invited back to visit the J family for a photo-shoot, and I was not disappointed! Baby Connor is almost one and did not disappoint! He put on a show for me, and every time a got close to him with the camera he crawled away, I think he was flirting! Did I mention Connor is expecting a sister in June! He will only be 15 months older that his sister. I cannot wait to visit again in a few months to see how this house has changed and literally grown! So blessed to be doing what I LOVE!