Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Olivia Act

TC Photography has been challenged to participate in The Olivia Act, as many other photographers have been moved to do so! The Olivia Act is  named after one of the children killed in Newtown, CT. The Olivia Act was started by Leslie Spurlock Photography. Olivia’s family had professional family pictures taken shortly before she was taken from this earth, which they now will cherish forever.  Upon hearing about this, Leslie was moved to give away a 30 minute family photo shoot and has challenged other photographers to do the same. We all know that not all families have the resources to have photos taken, so this is a way to give back in honor of Olivia.I will be taking nominations for a family who you think would appreciate this gift of memories. The session will take place in the new year at a mutually agreed upon location chosen by the honored family (Near the capital district in Albany, NY). Email your nominations to and include a brief message on who you’re nominating and the reason why.
Nominations will start today and go through January 1st. Please feel free to share this status in hopes of growing the response. Looking forward to blessing someone with this gift!
Much thanks, and Happy Holidays!! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall is here!

Fall is my favorite time of year!  Fresh pumpkin pie, pumpkin coffee, picking apples, and the smell of leaves...I could go on, and on.  Another reason I love fall?  The awesome families I get to spend my afternoons with.  This past weekend kicked off a series of fall shoots with families, and I enjoyed every second of it.  I love seeing the new babies experience leaves for the first time, and the toddlers just learning to run as they stumble a little. Let's not forget my nephews that I rarely get to capture because of their hockey schedules!  To put it simply, I am blessed.  Here's a peek of what I have been up to?  Like what you see??  Then be sure to follow my blog, and check out my website here.  xoxo Tiffany

Saturday, March 31, 2012

just happy.

What an amazing shoot! I was invited into the Capital in Albany to capture some belly shots and has a blast! I told Ari & Mark that I got way more out of the shoot than they will. I felt like a kid getting a private tour of Albany's capital, and was in awe of the beauty of the building, and the history made there! Here's a sample of the great time I had!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The J Family, what a beautiful family! =]

Once again I was invited back to visit the J family for a photo-shoot, and I was not disappointed! Baby Connor is almost one and did not disappoint! He put on a show for me, and every time a got close to him with the camera he crawled away, I think he was flirting! Did I mention Connor is expecting a sister in June! He will only be 15 months older that his sister. I cannot wait to visit again in a few months to see how this house has changed and literally grown! So blessed to be doing what I LOVE!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love my clients!

I recently returned to photo a family for the third time, feeling so lucky to be invited back. This little guy is 6 months old and must I say I could not help but pick him up! He is the sweetest little thing, he was laughing and playing with me. Mom had to grab HER camera, and we chuckled that it was a little odd that she was taking pictures of the photographer! This is one of the many reason why I LOVE my job!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What an amazing 2011 {Blessed}

What a wonderful year 2011 was! I was challenged in so many good ways. I was challenged with balancing work with family. I met so many wonderful families and really felt like they became part of my family. I revisited several families more than once, and felt truly blessed that I could witness first hand these babies growing and changing. I am so excited when I get called back for a photo shoot!! Thanks to all my wonderful moms, dads, brides, grooms, and families that allowed me to be part of their lives.
I have never felt so honored and blessed to walk into your homes and see the beautiful images of your families that I captured, adorning your walls.
I am looking forward to 2012: to growing, learning, and revisiting clients, and meeting new faces! I attached a few photos from my year!!

Friday, January 6, 2012


A new year brings new beginnings, and new resolutions. My goal for this year is to set up a blog about my photography, and share with you a peek into what I do, and what I will be doing. You will hear lots about the amazing families I get to share my lens with and even more about my amazing family that inspires me to do what I do! I had to include this picture of my amazing babies!